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How To Market Music: An Effective No-Fail 3 Step Music Marketing Formula That Works

How To Market Your Music More Effectively Knowing how to market your music is without a doubt THE most important thing you can do for your music business and your music career as a whole. You know it's something that must be handled and if you're not making efforts to learn how to market your music more effectively then you should know that, at the very least, nothing serious will […]


Electronic music

The 7 Different Types of EDM Music

The whole point of digital music is the risk-free grazing" Cory Doctorow, Canadian journalist and co-editor and of the off-beat blog Boing Boing, is an activist in favor of liberalizing copyright laws and a proponent of the Creative Commons non-profit organization devoted to expanding the range of creative works available for others to build upon legally and to share. Doctorow and others continue to write prolifically about the apocalyptic changes […]


Quiénes somos

Nacida en agosto de 2015, «GOZADERA» se ha convertido en poco tiempo en la cadena de referencia del reggaetón y la música urbana en el país. Estamos posicionados en el número 1 de las emisoras musicales de este
género en España con una cifra de más de 800.000 oyentes certificados a través de sus postes de FM, nuestra web y la APP propia de la marca.


¡El botón de abajo te hará disfrutar de la mejor música urbana!
